Discharge from PICU is an important milestone on the road to recovery. Some children go directly home from the PICU. Most children move to a regular ward in the hospital. Some children may even be moved to a regular ward at a hospital closer to home.
Some children and families find leaving PICU causes anxiety. It can be hard to adjust from an environment where your child was so closely monitored. It can be also take time to adjust from having one dedicated nurse caring for your child.
Doctors will only transfer a child from PICU when they are ready. Your child may need to spend some time on the ward to continue recovery. The team on the ward will help your child get ready to go home. The ward team can also ask for advice from PICU if there are concerns about any aspect of your child's care.
There will be support and follow up for your child after they return home. The team will help make the transition home as smooth as possible for your child.
This topic was reviewed by a paediatric intensive care medicine specialist in July 2022.